CHAD: fighting together against transmittable diseases

CHF 87'298.--
2021 - 2022
Fighting together against transmittable diseases in Chad
WATA™: Water disinfection technology in Chad
Background to the crises in Chad
Chad, located in the heart of sub-Saharan Africa, has for years been facing a series of crises affecting the social, political and economic sectors. This precarious situation has had a significant impact on the socio-economic life of the population. In addition, the public health sector lacks effective public health policies capable of effectively combating infectious diseases.
Actions in favour of vulnerable populations
In this context, our partners, the associations « Les Amis du Progrès 2 A P » and « Parvis des Enfants », are working to help children in difficult situations, such as street children, orphans, and vulnerable families, mainly widows, as well as single mothers and their children in N’Djamena and the rural areas of Sarh. Their living conditions are becoming increasingly alarming, particularly in rural areas, where access to water is a daily challenge, making even simple hand-washing difficult. As a result, these children and their families are at greater risk of infectious diseases.
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Pilot project and concrete actions
In 2021, as part of a pilot project, our partners focused on reducing the risks of contamination for these vulnerable populations. These actions include setting up hand-washing stations equipped with The Drop® taps, raising awareness of infectious diseases and the importance of personal and environmental hygiene. In addition, teachers, school heads and local authorities have been trained as awareness-raising outreach workers to ensure that these initiatives are passed on to others in their environment.
Launch of the second phase: strengthening humanitarian initiatives in Chad
In April 2022, we launched the second phase of the project. Together with our partners, we are continuing our hygiene and awareness-raising activities. But this new phase has other key objectives. The main objective is to install hand pumps in southern Chad to improve access to water. In addition, we plan to equip our partners and beneficiary schools with WATA™ technology, which enables water and surface disinfection.
- REDUCING THE RISK OF CONTAMINATION: The project has succeeded in reducing the risks of contamination for vulnerable populations, focusing on street children, orphans, vulnerable families, widows, single mothers and their children in N'Djamena and the rural areas of Sarh.
- INSTALLATION OF HAND-WASHING STATIONS: Hand-washing stations equipped with The Drop® taps have been set up, facilitating access to basic hygiene facilities, particularly in rural areas facing daily challenges such as hand-washing. 160 hand-washing stations installed in 60 schools, orphanages, reception centres and 30 households; 42,092 people (including pupils and supervisory staff) trained in good hand hygiene practice.
- RAISING AWARENESS OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES: Awareness-raising activities have been carried out to make communities aware of the risks of infectious diseases and to stress the crucial importance of personal and environmental hygiene in preventing their spread.
- TRAINING LOCAL PLAYERS: Teachers, school heads and local authorities have been trained as awareness-raising outreach workers. The aim of this training is to ensure the sustainability of hygiene and awareness initiatives, encouraging the ongoing dissemination of good practice in their environment.
- LAUNCH OF THE SECOND PHASE OF THE PROJECT: In April 2022, the second phase of the project was launched with new objectives, including the installation of hand pumps in southern Chad to improve access to water. In addition, the project plans to equip beneficiary partners and schools with WATA™ technology, strengthening water and surface disinfection measures to prevent disease.