CAMEROON, Mbalmayo, Nyong and So’o: ADED and Pact C (the Citizens’ Action Programme) commit to hand hygiene

CHF 69'258.--
2017 - 2021
Clean hands help save lives in Cameroon
ADED and Pact-C join forces to promote hand hygiene in Cameroonian schools
Partnership with Pact-C
In Cameroon, since 2017, the ADED association has been working closely with its local partner, the organisation Programme d’Action Citoyenne (Pact-C). In this country, the practice of hand washing is unfortunately not widespread, leading to a high prevalence of diseases of faecal origin.
These diseases have a significant impact on the daily lives of vulnerable populations, particularly children. The importance of hand hygiene in combating these diseases and reducing mortality, particularly among young people, cannot be underestimated.
Pilot project in Mbalmayo since 2017
Our pilot project, launched in 2017 under the name « Clean hands to save lives in Cameroon », began in Mbalmayo. As part of this project, several hand-washing stations, equipped with The Drop® eco-sanitary tap, were installed in various popular locations. Our partner was responsible for communication, promotion and lobbying national and local authorities to support this initiative.
Training and monitoring of hand-washing stations
At the same time, members of our association provided training on hand hygiene to various school managers. They also held discussions with school headteachers to explain the crucial importance of hand washing. In addition, regular visits were made to the washing stations to ensure that they were working properly.
- 42,323 people educated and trained in good hand-washing practice; 407 equipped with hand-washing facilities.
- 407 schools equipped with The Drop® hand-washing stations.
- Rigorous monitoring of the stations installed.
- Positive impact on hygiene practices.
Welcome to the schools of Cameroon, where every day, children learn about the importance of hygiene thanks to an innovative initiative: The Drop® taps.