CAMEROON: ADD (Sustainable Alternatives for Development) and ADED working together for access to drinking water

Départements de Nyong-et-So’o et la Méfou-et-Akono
CHF 389'874.--
01.12.2023 - 30.11.2026
Access to clean water and hygiene: an ongoing challenge in the isolated communities in the departments of Nyong-et-So’o and la Méfou-et-Akono
According to the international organizations currently present in Cameroon (MSF and Gavi, Alliance du Vaccin), the country has been experiencing a cholera epidemic since 2021. According to recent epidemiological surveillance data from the Cameroon National Public Health Watch Bureau (ONSP), the central, coastal and south western regions are the most affected. Additionally, measles has returned with a vengeance and a few cases of polio have been observed. A common factor of these diseases is that they can be avoided with appropriate sanitation and hygiene measures, especially in terms of hand washing. This is why ADED supports all local measures implemented with these measures in mind, especially those taking place within schools.
Sociodemographic indicators show that most children aged three and above are already in school. School is therefore an appropriate context for early years teaching of best hygiene practices, ensuring their systematic use in the future. The key study driven by ADD (with financial and technical aid from ADED) in April 2022 allowed us to establish this situational framework in the schools and relevant health centres.
In a general sense, the study reveals the lack of drinking water, the insufficiency of sanitation and hygiene infrastructures as well as the lack of the people’s awareness of the causes of diarrhoea and of hand washing as a clear preventative strategy. Of the six schools visited, only one had a source of clean water. The rest of the schools use unprotected wells, containing reddish tinged water with a salty taste, which are situated more than 30 minutes from the building. As far as sanitation is concerned, only one school has an improved and ventilated toilet area where the ditch has a tile cover. The other toilet areas are simple ditches. As well as these qualitative problems, the ratio of toilets to pupils is insufficient in each school. This is the situation that this project is aiming to alleviate.
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Innovative partnership with Sustainable Alternatives for Development (ADD).
Having been established in Cameroon for several years now, we have recently launched a new partnership with Alternatives Durables pour le Développement (ADD), an organisation with solid roots in the central region of Cameroon. In the targeted locations, access to quality water remains a significant challenge for numerous villages. More than 50% of them lie at least 30 minutes’ walk from the nearest water supply, which is often undrinkable. In addition, the health centres and schools in these villages are confronted with major shortages of sanitary installations and hand hygiene infrastructure.
The positive expectations of our local initiative
The expected impact of these interventions is vast. By improving access to clean water, we hope to reduce the incidence of diarrhoea in young children, thus contributing to better overall levels of health within the community. Moreover, by facilitating access to sanitation and hand hygiene systems and routines, we anticipate a reduction in school absenteeism and an improvement in economic conditions, especially in difficult times such as during droughts. This project showcases our continuous commitment to working with local partners to meet the challenges with which the communities we serve are confronted.
Establishing provision of drinking water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in 11 localities in the central Cameroonian region.
Planned activity
- Construct water points, toilets and hand washing facilities.
- Sensitise populations and school pupils to good hygiene routines.
- Create income-generating activities to maintain the facilities.
Put in place frameworks for consultation for discussions at the departmental and regional levels related to WASH/EAH issues.
Sustainable Alternatives for Development (ADD)
- mprove hygiene and sanitation infrastructures for 8,360 inhabitants.
- Reduce the prevalence of diseases within the targeted populations.
- Guarantee regular monitoring of sanitation installations.
- Put in place a consultation framework on questions of clean water, sanitation and hygiene.
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